Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Its not easy to pick up again after such a loss.

I'm sorry that I haven't posted since the death of my brother-in-law Sam.  I didn't realize how much it would affect me and my blogging.  I know that he would have been supportive of what I write about so I am going to continue and try to post my blogs on time.

I just wanted to put one short blog today.  Not too long, but I wanted to post one of my favorite craft websites.  It is Better Homes and Gardens.  Under their Crafts tab, there are a lot of craft ideas.  I signed up for their e-mail newsletter and they send you several ideas and articles from their website.  The latest newsletter had ideas on how to use your craft scraps so that you don't end up tossing them out.  It also lists how to recycle certain household items into craft projects.  I love that their ideas are in slideshow form.  It makes it easier to read.  I get several ideas for my craft projects from this website.

I think that is it for today. 

Have a great day!  Try to stay dry and be safe if you have to drive in the rain!

Till next time!