Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day before January 1st.

As I catch up on my blog reading, yes i really do read the, I came across my friends blog about New Years Resolutions.  (You can read it here: mentallyinked blog)  She stated in her blog that she doesn't call them resolutions, instead she calls them her goals.  I agree with her, resolutions are made to be broken and no one ever finishes them that I know of.   I don't want to call them goals, however, they are my plans for 2010.

So here are my plans for 2010:

1)  I plan to be more financially responsible.  I was reading on about personal finances and it states that you should do a net worth report yearly.  I never thought of that but it seemed a good idea to know where you stand and be able to compare it the next year to see if there was any improvement.  One should also prepare a debt to ratio report.  This shows you how much debt you have to the income you take in.  It is desired to have a low debt ratio to your income.  The other thing listed to do to be financially responsible is to prepare a budget and to stick to it.  I have done that.  So two out of three so far is not bad.

2)  I plan on looking as good as my mom in this old photo I found, on my wedding day.  I found an old photo of my parents when they were just newlyweds.  I thought my mom looks so beautiful in that photo that I wanted to look as good as she does in the photo, but on my wedding day next October.  Does this that I want to be the exact same size as she is in the picture?  No.  I am taller than my mom and if I was the same size as she is in the picture, I would look annorexic.  I don't want to be her size, I want to look as beautiful as she does.  There is a difference!

3)  I plan to be a better partner to Mr. Teddybear.  He has always been such a sweetheart and sometimes I forget to tell him how much I appreciate all that he does for me and my daughter.  He is the most giving and generous man I know.  I will be starting that today also!

4)  I plan on trying to not freak out as the wedding gets closer and closer.  It is my plan not to be a bridezilla!  Thankfully I have Mr. Teddybear to help but also my wedding coordinator as well.  I will be depending on her a lot.

So, don't tell me your resolutions.  I don't want to hear them.  Tell me your goals for 2010, please?

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